On a daily basis, our actions are guided by strong and shared values and convictions which form the basis of our activities.
Our work at all levels of the company is based on five mainstays:

Our mission
To support industrial and territorial development through sustainable risk management of waste
Our industry emerged almost 50 years ago when regulations forced industry to treat its waste in suitable facilities. Since then, in an ecologically evolving world, our mission has never been so relevant: to enable industry and territories to continue their activities and their development, by treating hazardous waste and pollution generated by human activities.
Our business
Treatment and recovery of hazardous waste and polluted sites
At SARPI we treat hazardous waste and pollution which, due to their composition or properties, pose a risk to human health or the environment. These types of wastes and pollution undergoes various treatment operations at our facilities or onsite to lower toxicity, isolate pollutants, and recover, when possible any recyclable materials. In considerarion of local residents, customers, subcontractors, and employees, handling hazardous waste on an industrial scale is a great responsibility. The long-term survival of our company depends on the trust that they place in our ability to guarantee the safety of each person - fellow citizens and employees alike.

Our model
A european network of facilities and services integrating the entire treatment and recovery chain including final containment of residual waste
SARPI's strength also lies in the combination of its industrial sites, services and technologies. As such, our customers can benefit from our treatment solutions, service continuity, waste traceability management, and our ability to innovate to best meet their expectations and needs. SARPI currently consists of a network of over 110 sites in 10 European countries.
Our commitments
Risk management to ensure the safety of all our stakeholders. Traceability, non-dilution, and decontamination of the waste life cycle to protect the environment from pollution
Since SARPI was established, it has been guided by the need to manage risk to safeguard and protect the population from pollution. Our day-to-day work is guided by four fundamental principles:
>The safety of our employees, our customers, our suppliers, and local residents is our absolute priority. All our efforts are directed towards managing all the risks - human and industrial - inherent to our activity.
>Dilution is not a treatment. SARPI does not mix waste before delivering it to treatment lines which do not accept mixed waste. All our facilities are designed to accept and treat waste with a high concentration of pollutants.
>All our treatment and recycling processes include a step consisting of separating, isolating, and treating polluted materials. If such a decontamination stage was not included in the recycling process, pollutants would accumulate in and be released in products made from the recycled material. •
>The traceability of the waste that we process is guaranteed at all times: our management systems allow us to track waste from collection to final processing and provide our clients with complete transparency regarding the fate of their waste.

Our values
Strong environmental convictions, a sense of responsibility, the constant search for performance, an entrepreneurial spirit, and social conscience
The very principle of environmental protection is embedded in SARPI's DNA since it was established and gives each employee real meaning in their day-to-day work. The real wealth of our company lies in the lasting bond between SARPI and each of its employees and the keen sense of responsibility that all employees demonstrate in the performance of their duties. This relationship of trust and this sense of responsibility allows autonomy, the development of employee skills, and is essential to our performance. The widespread enthusiasm and passion for our industry testifies to the fact that SARPI is driven by core human values and a strong team spirit that make our team our greatest strength and the driver of our success.